Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns by phone or email.

Office :

Tel:: +218 21 360 45 94
Tel: +218 21 3611123- 25
Fax: + 218 21 360 45 94
Fax: +218 21 361 11 24

Office Hours :
Saturday - Thursday 8.00 AM to 15.00 PM

Email Address :

Office Address :
Bin Ashour Street, behind Al-Mokhtar Clinic, Tripoli, Libya

P.O.Box: 12794

Who is who: In Operation Department:
Mr. Abdurrazag Gherwash Owner/ CEO of the Winzrik group
Mr. Mohamed Abukheit Operations Manager
Mr Nasser El Mehdawi Marketing Manager
Ms. Huda Yousef Hotel Reservation Manager
Mr. Ali Al Kataby Accountant
Mr. Moftah El Mehdawi Public Relations

copyrigth 2011 winzrik tourism service